За никой пак светица да не бъда
и никой да не става пак за мене Бог,
смирено да не чакам аз безмилостна присъда,
и всичко мое да не давам във залог.
Да не бъда безметежна, безвъпросна,
и без причина своите грижи да множа,
да не съм отново истината вечно сложна,
прекланяща се пак пред нечия лъжа.
Вода да бъда и да черпя сили от дъжда,
Или пък сняг, щом искам, да се разтопя,
или пък огън, студа завинаги да изгоря,
или да бъда тебе и пред нищо да не се смиля.
Да (не) бъда..
Knew it..
Would you care if I neglect you?
Would you stare if I don't look?
Would you find in me perfection?
Would you get me off the hook?
Now if I told you I do care ..
Would you smile and walk away?
Did you know I also stare..
seeing you've decided not to stay.
Don't you give me and take nothing when you're leaving,
For nothing yours is mine to keep,
For nothing will be all but what you're giving..
Falling hurts the most when way is steep.
Indeed, you will be right in your decision,
don't let some feelings let you down,
For what is love but fake precision,
A king that rules without a crown.
We will..
I'll watch you close and I'll stay true,
Slip on purpose and fall instead of you,
I'd burn my love to keep you warm,
Cry a rain of tears if you wanna storm.
You'll gather smiles for when I'm blue,
go ahead, so if I stumble, I would fall on you,
You'll always say "I love you", not just "Me too",
and make of nothing our world for two.
I'll bury deep down all my sorrows,
So you don't have to see my cry,
I'll be the one who always follows,
We'll make success of every try:)
Does the Earth slow down its motion?
Or is it just you smiling back?
Dancing with the rhythm of emotion,
give me all that used to lack..
Words are now too precious to be wasted,
tell me only what will take me in,
show me how sweet kisses tasted,
and be sure that's the rightous kind of sin.
Teach me how to be that reckless,
or as calm as sleeping child,
be my shelter when i'm helpless,
and my soother when i'm wild.
Not an easy game to play,
when both of us could not obey..
Did we know it wouldn't last?
Relying on some feelings from the past..
To revive the passion, this was easy,
difficult was chasing what was missing,
souls too flexible and blindly fooled,
love stops gambling and the countdown's nulled..
Trembling slightly coz' I'm cold, not lonely,
for I got me again, truthfully and wholly,
Miss the sun, but not these nights of blues,
Found the answer after gathering all clues:)