I'll close my eyes and feel how time will slowly pass
some pain may find its way beside the smile
I'll breathe in silence, blur the shining glass
see the image of my day of trial..
First burning pain and then the silence..
All slowing down in magical relief.
Remember love, forgive the violence,
Relaxing body, beautiful and stiff.
I'm pressing eyes to make them close again..
Was all a dream..feels like I'm still obsessed..
Sense my hand burning, like still back then
A nightmare? Or some feelings unconfessed?
Паулу Коелю: Победителят е сам
"Новият роман на автора на „Алхимикът” носи всички елементи на трилъра, но
всъщност е проникновен портрет на човечеството днес, тласкано от желанието
за с...
Преди 15 години