I'm feeling kind of dizzy, not completely aware of what's happening around me, as if there is a lag or something..But instead of complaining, I decided to enjoy for a while this feeling. Because I've been tired of always being wide awake, analysing everything as if there are only causal relationships and no invisible powers of destiny.. I even feel ashamed when I say I believe in destiny, you cannot believe something or someone and not trust them. That is, we rarely relax and let the wind of life carry us, instead we act like we are in a statistics class - define variables, analyse variables, find probabilities, analyse them, reach a sensible conclusion and make decision appearing most appropriate taking all these in consideration blah blah. We are so used to this kind of rational and logical and grounded behaviour that we forget our instincts. Even love is an instinct, jealousy as well, and all we do is making completely logical and rational decision about our emotion. Isn't that insane? Have we become so analogical and analythical? Have we lost that animal, basic instinct that ignores the interaction between the emotions and the brain..or have we become so senseless that we need thousand visible, clear reasons to like someone, defined criteria, desirable qualities.. Why do these even mess with the work of the soul? And if we really want, how can we separate mind and emotion and put a line between them? Should we?
Паулу Коелю: Победителят е сам
"Новият роман на автора на „Алхимикът” носи всички елементи на трилъра, но
всъщност е проникновен портрет на човечеството днес, тласкано от желанието
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