As we are naturally born alone, not physically or emotionally bound to anyone, is that the desired state of being throughour our life? Is there really people who like to share every moment with someone and people who prefer to breathe without anyone else breathing closely.. Or there are just these who are used to the comfort of the serious relationship and these who are not afraid to take the risk to take delight in the 'uncomforatable' searching :) We convince ourselves that we should stay true to the one we love, but what if we miss the true love while struggling to stay true? I do not favor cheating and am at no means refering to it. I'm talking about leaving the safe shelter and heading to another direction, if you feel that's the right thing to do..There may not be someone at the end of that new road, but it will always be you all the way. Being free to make choices..being free to change..even though sometimes we feel like we do not have a choice, we even use this phrase more often than we think. The truth is, we're just stuck. Stuck in the traffic of life, but unlike the street jams, this one gives us a defined place in life and love, which is warm and cosy and permanent and easy to keep..but what if we do not feel ourselves there, if we are not happy? Isn't that like taking a wild animal at home against its will, making a little house for it with all convinieces you may find for an animal, with regular portions of food, with shelter and heat that animal can never enjoy outside..But the outside does not match the inside and you see your animal everyday staying beside the window, looking out there...because it takes for granted what we, humans, have forgotten..if you open the door it will rush out at an instant. It's you who have restrained his choice of being free. It does not even make the choice, because like everyone, is born free. And what about us? If we feel depressed, if we want more, will we rush out the door..I doubt it, this door may stay always open, it stays always open but we think long enough before we make even one step towards it.. And if we gain the courage to go out, we would finally feel that fresh breath of air we needed..and would finally be able to take this unknown rocky road, which we used to see only through the window, and which is somehow so beautiful and pleasant...Enjoy your journey!
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