To a friend..

God, I thought a lot what I could write to you. I came up with different ideas, but they did not seem good enough for a uniqueness like yours:) So I would say just a short quote by a great man, which is simple enough and true enough.."There is flattery in friendship"...I'm flattered to be your friend:) And if being a smartly foolish dreamer is better than being a sceptic..thank you for making me a happy believer :) You can always make the world seem a more beautiful (and sometimes gourgeously funny place:) Thank you, K!
PS: btw it's Shakespeare...

1 коментара:

Анонимен каза...

Do you know the island of Manhattan? For the record... I drank half of it last night. Naturally my otherwise limited writing skills are basically nonexistent right now. But I would like to thank you for the lovely words.

P.S. Never trade your receivables for less than Fair Market Value ;)

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